Thursday, October 13, 2011

For The Love Of Great Sauce

When a barbecue is on the horizon, then great sauce is strictly called for. What's barbecue without great sauce? For the love of great sauce begins with Brothers. 

“All normal people love meat. If I went to a barbeque and there was no meat, “Yo Goober! Where’s the meat? I’m trying to impress people here Lisa. You don’t win friends with salad.” — Homer Simpson

“Grilling, broiling, barbecuing – whatever you want to call it – is an art, not just a matter of building a pyre and throwing on a piece of meat as a sacrifice to the gods of the stomach.” – James Beard, ‘Beard on Food’ (1974)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Best Hot Chocolate Recipe Ever

Curl up on the couch with a snugly blanket, your favorite book and a cup of this delectable hot chocolate made with Brown Suga. AMAZING!

1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
3/4 cup white sugar
1 pinch of salt
1/3 cup of boiling water
3 1/2 cups milk
3/4 t. vanilla extract
1/2 cup half & half cream

1 T. Brown Suga (each cup of hot cocoa)

Combine the cocoa, sugar and pinch of salt in a saucepan. Blend in the boiling water. Bring this mixture to an easy boil while you stir. Simmer and stir for about 2 minutes. Watch that it doesn't scorch. Stir in 3 1/2 cups of milk and heat until very hot, but do not boil! Remove from heat and add vanilla. Divide between 4 mugs. Add 1 T. of Brown Suga to each mug; stir well. Add the cream to the mugs of cocoa to cool it to drinking temperature. Top with whipped cream and chocolate shavings if you desire. Enjoy!